
Development Status of China's Valve Industry and Key Development Directions of Fushan

publish:2023-03-24 10:41:02   views :157
publish:2023-03-24 10:41:02  

Analysis of the current development situation and trend prediction of the valve industry

Valve is an important fluid control equipment in industry, involving many departments of the national economy, and is an important basic equipment for the development of the national economy. In recent years, our company's performance has grown rapidly. After years of development, valve research and development technology has made great progress. Currently, there are few manufacturers producing high-end valves in China, and high-end valves mainly rely on imports. Our company has seized the opportunity to vigorously improve production and processing technology, closely follow technological development, and manufacture new types of valves that meet the needs of industrial and technological development.

Currently, high-end valves such as nuclear power industrial valves, polysilicon, chlor-alkali, and other severe industrial environmental conditions mainly rely on imports. Fushan will vigorously develop such products, such as PVDF valves, chlorine dedicated bellows stop valves, diaphragm valves, clean valves, high-temperature steam pressure reducing valves, and steam traps, to replace domestic low-end vulnerable valves.

At the same time, it is worth noting that China's valve industry is still dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises. Currently, industry competition is mainly low-end product competition, and informal means of competition are disrupting the development of the market, causing significant harm to the valve manufacturing industry. At present, the competition in the valve industry is still not standardized, or has an impact on the development of the valve industry. The main problems include: First, some valve operators purchase valves without a factory name or address, and print the manufacturer and certificate of conformity, causing serious damage to the reputation of qualified valve enterprises. 2、 Renovating valves, some operators have brought serious safety hazards to the project quality by repainting the used valves and selling them for the second time. Although valve quality issues will not appear in the short term, over time, a large number of replacements are gradually required, resulting in endless consequences and higher costs.

With the accelerated pace of restructuring in the valve industry, the future industry will be product technology innovation, product quality and safety, and product brand competition. Products will develop towards high technology, high parameters, strong corrosion resistance, and long service life. Industry insiders predict that in the future, the supply of hardware valves in the market will develop from a single variety to multiple varieties and specifications to meet the needs of complete sets of manufacturing projects. The trend for a single enterprise to manufacture all the valves required for a project is increasing, with a single valve manufacturer providing all the valves. Secondly, the other side of energy development is energy conservation. Therefore, from the perspective of energy conservation, it is necessary to develop steam traps and develop towards subcritical and supercritical high parameters to meet the development needs of pharmaceutical machinery and equipment in the direction of low energy consumption.

With the continuous development of hardware accessory valve technology and the continuous expansion of valve application fields, the corresponding valve standards will become increasingly important and indispensable. In fields such as water supply and drainage in general industrial buildings, high-quality valves will eliminate low-end valves. Therefore, we need to constantly make full use of existing standards while looking forward to the future, and research new standards and systems that can be applied to future development, so as to promote the development of valve technology to a higher level and continuously improve the level and grade of valve products. I believe that our company can develop better and become a domestic brand while making continuous progress in industrial technology.

Contact: Zhang Li
Number: 13914960448/18068076259
销售电话:0512-57775199 57775177
Address:Block G, No. 499, Yujinxiang Road, Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province
Copyright: Su ICP Bei 11005723-1









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